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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mother's Day Silhouettes

Every year for Mother's Day it has been our tradition to make a silhouette of each student to give to his/her mother.  A couple of years ago, a teacher on my team came up with an easy way to do them!  No more using the projector and having the student sit still while you trace around his/her head! 

Now all we do, is have the student stand in front of a wall/easel/Promethean board, and quickly snap his/her profile with a digital camera!  Check it to make sure it looks good, then print it, cut it on black paper and mount on a white piece of paper!  So simple!

We also have the students make something to go along with the silhouette since it is mostly teacher created.  The moms LOVE them!  I can't imagine not doing them!  I'm not from the area that I teach in, but my mom still has my Kindergarten silhouette!

Have you checked out Andrea's post at Stepping Into First Grade?  She has a really cute flower craft to make for mom!


  1. Cute idea! I do something similar with my 3rd graders when we study biographies! I'm a new follower! Looking forward to more posts!
    Mrs. Randall’s Learning Library

  2. What a cute idea and a great keepsake for mother's day.

  3. Thanks for mentioning my craft! I love the silhouette idea! :)

  4. I am going to give it a try!
